The City of Doerun’s Utilities Department is made up of five sub-departments; Electric, Gas, Sewer, Streets, and Water. Although there are currently only 6 employees covering all these services, they bring the required expertise to handle the city’s normal workload.
- Electric Department – Doerun is a member of MEAG (Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia), which is a nonprofit, statewide generation and transmission organization (more information can be found at www.meagpower.org). The city receives power for its electric customers from MEAG through the Georgia ITS (Integrated Transmission Systems), and provides it through a distribution system that was completely rebuilt in 2014. Capabilities range from regular single phase residential service to three-phase commercial/industrial service.
- Gas Department – Our natural gas system provides our customers with clean-burning energy for homes and businesses. We provide gas service outside the city to 4 industrial customers.
- Sewer Department – To ensure efficient removal of wastewater from resident and business locations, Doerun has a complete sewer system. This includes a waste treatment facility and 4 remote waste lift stations throughout the city.
- Streets Department – Keeping the many city streets and right of ways patched, passable and clear is only part of what happens here. This department is also responsible for keeping the parks clean and mowed.
- Water Department – Copious, clean, drinkable water is the goal. The city works hard to do this by having a 40 HP turbine pump and 50 HP submersible pump capable of pushing over 500 gpm into the city’s water supply system and it’s 150,000-gallon water tower. This, in turn, provides a large ready reserve available for daily and/or emergency use.